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Wild Birds Unlimited
Did you catch the latest episode of the #NatureCentered podcast? 🎙️✨ It's all about joining in the GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT, which is just around the corner: February 14-17! 🐦🔎 Whether you’re a seasoned citizen scientist or joining for the first time, get ready for the big event by tuning in! 🎧 You can listen wherever you get your podcasts or on our website: TWO MORE THINGS YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS! ✴️ Feb. 15: FREE nature events! First, join us for ☕ coffee and a talk🎤 by local author Elaine Hernandez on making local changes with global impacts. Then stay for a 🌼NATIVE PLANT SALE!🌼 Details at ✴️ Feb. 6–17: Get 15% OFF SuperSuet® products with promo code "SUPERSUET"! They're crafted with our highest levels of fat and protein to help birds power through the lean winter season! (Valid in-store or online at WBU McAllen. One discount per purchase. Offer not valid on previous purchases or sale items.) Happy birding, from the RGV's friendly backyard bird feeding experts! ❤️🐦 #wbumcallen #rgvbirds #backyardbirding #mcallentexas #riograndevalley #Riograndevalleytexas