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Wild Birds Unlimited
As part of efforts to #SaveTheSongBirds, don't forget to just WATCH AND ENJOY YOUR BIRDS.👀❤️ Encourage loved one to join you. This simple act is good for mental health and fosters a commitment to help protect and support birds. It's one of the 7 SIMPLE ACTIONS you can take to help: But while you're watching, why not count, too? TOMORROW is the ⚠️ LAST DAY of the #GreatBackyardBirdCount! 🐦✨ So be sure to get outside (or snuggle up by a window) and COUNT YOUR BIRDS for science: 🤓 It just takes 15 minutes. 🤓 If you use the free Merlin Bird ID app, any birds you ID will be automatically reported for you! Joining your fellow bird lovers in the GBBC is the perfect way to enjoy nature and contribute to important bird conservation efforts! To learn more, visit: ⚠️Our SUPERSUET® SALE also ENDS TOMORROW! Get❗15% OFF with promo code "SUPERSUET"❗These bird foods are crafted with our highest levels of fat and protein to attract birds to your feeders and help them power through the lean winter season! (Valid in-store or online at WBU McAllen through Feb. 17, 2025. One discount per purchase. Offer not valid on previous purchases or sale items.) Happy birding, from the RGV's friendly backyard bird feeding experts! ❤️🐦 #wbumcallen #rgvbirds #backyardbirding #mcallentexas #riograndevalley #Riograndevalleytexas #7SimpleActions
Wild Birds Unlimited
Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovebirds🥰 — and those who LOVE birds! 🐦❤️ Whether it’s with their sweet songs or vibrant colors, birds always make our hearts flutter and bring beauty and joy to our lives! 🎶🌸 That makes today perfect for kicking off this year's GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT, February 14–17! Why not join in with your loved ones? It's FREE and FUN! All you have to do is count your birds for at least 15 minutes, then report your results. You'll be a CITIZEN SCIENTIST, providing crucial insights into bird populations and their changing habitats! 🤓 And if you use the amazing FREE Merlin Bird ID app, any birds you ID over this period get counted automatically! Visit to learn more. You can attract birds into your backyard for counting by putting out foods they can't resist, like our SUPERSUET® PRODUCTS, crafted with our highest levels of fat and protein to help birds power through the lean winter season! And thru Feb. 17, get ❗15% OFF SUPERSUET® PRODUCTS❗with promo code "SUPERSUET"! (Valid in-store or online at WBU McAllen. One discount per purchase. Offer not valid on previous purchases or sale items.) Happy birding, from the RGV's friendly backyard bird feeding experts! ❤️🐦 Featured Bird: Carolina Chickadees* Featured Feeder and WBU Food: Mini Cylinder Feeder (Red) with Seed & Suet Stackables®️ *Featured Birds may include species from across the USA, not just those seen in Texas' Rio Grande Valley. #wbumcallen #rgvbirds #backyardbirding #mcallentexas #riograndevalley #Riograndevalleytexas #gbbc
Wild Birds Unlimited
Learn how to identify the birds visiting your feeders and get ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) 📊! Wild Birds Unlimited is a founding and major sponsor of this citizen science event, happening February 14-17. 👀 When you see a bird, make note of its silhouette and markings on its head, body, and wings. Then, enter your observations into the Merlin app 📱 from our partners at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology to identify the birds in your yard. 🔢 During the Great Backyard Bird Count, submit your sightings using eBird, otherwise identifying birds in the Merlin app will add to the count. Learn more at Featured Birds: Downy Woodpecker, House Finches, Hairy Woodpecker and Red-bellied Woodpecker Featured Feeders and WBU Food: Jim's Birdacious® Bark Butter®, Modern Rustic Classic Too Feeder with No-Mess Seed Blend, Flyin' Bistro™ Cylinder Feeder with No-Mess Cylinder and Jim's Birdacious® Bark Butter® Bits #WildBirdsUnlimited #WBU #GreatBackyardBirdCount #GBBC
Wild Birds Unlimited
Why not have lunch WEDNESDAY with Jim Carpenter, Founder & President of Wild Birds Unlimited? Jim will be hosting a FREE ONLINE EVENT with Brian Cunningham, Chief Naturalist, to help you get ready for the 2025 Great Backyard Bird Count. They'll be tuning into the Cornell Lab FeederWatch Cam, identifying birds in real time, and offering expert advice along the way. Happy birding, from the RGV's friendly backyard bird feeding experts! ❤️🐦 #gbbc #wbumcallen #rgvbirds #backyardbirding #mcallentexas #riograndevalley #Riograndevalleytexas
Wild Birds Unlimited
Did you know February is National Bird Feeding Month?🥜 🐦 A great way to mark this is to: 1️⃣ OFFER the high-fat, nutritious foods birds are attracted to right now during the lean winter season, when plant and insect food sources can be scarce. 2️⃣ ENJOY watching the birds flocking to your feeders. 3️⃣ COUNT your birds for the GREAT BACKYARD BIRD COUNT (GBBC)! It's FREE and FUN to participate! All you need is at least 15 minutes! 🗓️ The GBBC runs February 14–17. GBBC lets you join your fellow bird enthusiasts from around the world to help provide crucial insights into bird populations and their changing habitats! The whole family or even a classroom can help, making you all CITIZEN SCIENTISTS! 🤓 Visit to learn more. TIP: Download the amazing, FREE Merlin Bird ID app! It makes it super easy to ID the birds you see—or even hear! 🤩 And any birds Merlin helps you ID during the 4 days of the GBBC will be automatically reported—no need to register or sign-up separately! And just in time, we're offering❗15% OFF SuperSuet® products❗with promo code "SUPERSUET" from Feb. 6–17! Our exclusive SuperSuet® foods are crafted with our highest levels of fat and protein to help birds power through winter's challenges! (Valid in-store or online at WBU McAllen. One discount per purchase. Offer not valid on previous purchases or sale items.) Happy birding, from the RGV's friendly backyard bird feeding experts! ❤️🐦 Featured Bird: Red-bellied Woodpecker* WBU Food: Naturally Nuts® Suet Cake Feeder: EcoTough® Tail Prop Suet Feeder (Red) *Featured Birds may include species from across the USA, not just those seen in Texas' Rio Grande Valley. #wbumcallen #rgvbirds #backyardbirding #mcallentexas #riograndevalley #Riograndevalleytexas #gbbc