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Wild Birds Unlimited
As part of efforts to #SaveTheSongBirds, don't forget to just WATCH AND ENJOY YOUR BIRDS.👀❤️ Encourage loved one to join you. This simple act is good for mental health and fosters a commitment to help protect and support birds. It's one of the 7 SIMPLE ACTIONS you can take to help: But while you're watching, why not count, too? TOMORROW is the ⚠️ LAST DAY of the #GreatBackyardBirdCount! 🐦✨ So be sure to get outside (or snuggle up by a window) and COUNT YOUR BIRDS for science: 🤓 It just takes 15 minutes. 🤓 If you use the free Merlin Bird ID app, any birds you ID will be automatically reported for you! Joining your fellow bird lovers in the GBBC is the perfect way to enjoy nature and contribute to important bird conservation efforts! To learn more, visit: ⚠️Our SUPERSUET® SALE also ENDS TOMORROW! Get❗15% OFF with promo code "SUPERSUET"❗These bird foods are crafted with our highest levels of fat and protein to attract birds to your feeders and help them power through the lean winter season! (Valid in-store or online at WBU McAllen through Feb. 17, 2025. One discount per purchase. Offer not valid on previous purchases or sale items.) Happy birding, from the RGV's friendly backyard bird feeding experts! ❤️🐦 #wbumcallen #rgvbirds #backyardbirding #mcallentexas #riograndevalley #Riograndevalleytexas #7SimpleActions