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Quinta Mazatlan World Birding Center
Join Nick Morales, resident geologist of South Texas and Northern Mexico specializing in mineralogy, local geology and lithic (stone) artifacts, Thursday March 6th, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm for a presentation centering on how geology influenced the manufacturing of lithic tools in South Texas and Northern Mexico and how they are identified and used. This program is FREE with general admission. #quintamazatlan #thursdaynightlive #southtexasgeology #lithictolls #geology #historyinsouthtexas
Quinta Mazatlan World Birding Center
Join Nick Morales, resident geologist of South Texas and Northern Mexico specializing in mineralogy, local geology and lithic (stone) artifacts, Thursday March 6th, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm for a presentation centering on how geology influenced the manufacturing of lithic tools in South Texas and Northern Mexico and how they are identified and used. This program is FREE with general admission. #quintamazatlan #thursdaynightlive #southtexasgeology #lithictolls #geology #historyinsouthtexas