Saturday Mar 15, 2025 6:00 PM at The Flying Walrus
Event Info
Rain//Shine Promotions Presents Its that time of the year again!!!!
Come help me celebrate my bday with my annual March Metal Madness fest
This year we have some amazing reunions and bands stepping out of a hiatus as well as some of the best bands the valley has to offer and some from outside of the valley as well
Sound Provided by Audiophilez Sound Engineering & Widowmaker Studios
Saturday March 15 The Flying Walrus 2 stages 16 bands $15 at the door
Music starts at 6pm and stages will run back to back for non stop music til 2am
Featuring Kryptik Mutation My Place was Taken Destructive Cell Mass of Amara The Ghost of us Quiet Ghosts Havrath Belligerency Transcending Bury the Bride Disruptor The Mutants A Day Without the Sun As well as the return of Monodyssey The Profused At War with Androids