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Cowboy Chicken
Observing Lent? No meat? No problem! Stop by and enjoy Lent-friendly meals today. 🙌 Happy to introduce our delicious 😋 Friday Lent specials! ✝️ 🤠 🌟 Tater enchiladas - Especially delicious! 🌟 Cheese enchiladas - A Favorite! 🌟 Cheese nachos - simply delicious! 🌟 Cobb salad (ask for without bacon) - 😋 🌟 Monterrey salad (ask for without cracklings) 👍 🌟 Any Bowl or salad without chicken - still delicious & filling! 🌟 Veggie Plate loaded with your choice of hearty Wild West Sides - Yum! All the above delicious, satisfying, and perfect for our Lent season! Come and enjoy! 🍴 We’ve got tasty options for you! 🌿✨ #CowboyChicken #Lent #MeatlessMeals #VeggiePlate #WildWestSides #twicebakedpotato